New to computing? Mac or PC? (Simple explanation for novice users)

I sometimes get asked if someone should purchase a Mac or PC. I think it’s becoming less of an issue since most users would be fine using a tablet, smart phone, or other mobile-devices. Occasionally some people do need an actual (full functioning computer) desktop, or laptop. So for those who need to do more than your basic browsing, word-processing, and emailing, you are stuck with the question “Mac or PC?” The first and most important question is budget. If your budget is under seven, or eight hundred dollars you will be getting a PC. There are no macs cheaper than that, unless you buy an older-used model, which is a gamble. The main reason a PC can be cheaper is because Window PC’s have many manufactures, and you have a wider variety of models, and prices. As oppose to Mac’s which are only produced by Apple. I’d like to add, you do get what you pay for.

Barring price being a major factor, Macs are an excellent choice. They’re superior at video-editing, programming (certain) languages, and are (in my opinion) superior at everyday use. That’s because the quality of the hardware is of a much higher standard. I’d say if money is not a big factor, go with Apple. It’s better for novice users because there are less chances of messing up the software. Also Macs are less susceptible to viruses, and malware. Although that is changing due to the fact that Macs have become more popular, ergo are a bigger target for bad guys. So I basically recommend Macs for Novice users who have a bigger budget, and content-creator professionals.

Where does that leave PC’s? PC’s are still great computers. Although you are a bigger target for malware, and viruses, your conduct online is very much a factor how susceptible you are to getting any. Also, there are many programs that you may specifically need for school, or work, that are only on the PC. If you need to use specific software that is Windows only, than Windows is your operating system of choice. I must add that Mac’s can run windows on them, but you do have to purchase The Windows OS software, which can be expensive. You have to take that into account, but Mac’s make excellent (dual operating) Windows machines. Windows is also superior for gaming. As much as I want to game on my Mac, I am very limited on what I can do. There are still some great games on The Mac platform, but it’s very tiny compared to Windows. Seriously if you want to game, get a Windows PC.

Basically it comes down to what you need the computer for? I do want to add that Apple has the Mac Mini which is a full functioning computer. It starts at $599. It will do everything, even picture, and video-editing. The only thing is, that the Mac Mini does not come with a monitor or keyboard. Actually it comes with no components. You have to purchase everything else. I’d also like to add that the Mac Mini is for the Novice user, and not exactly for the professional user. I think you’d want a little bit more horse power if you are a professional video-editor or photographer. Although the Mini is a great computer, well worth the money. Also, I always recommend to not get a netbook, or a really cheap computer. Save yourself the headache. I’ve seen many people have issues with these cheap computers, and it’s just not worth it. If you do decide to get a computer for $200-$400, go into it realizing that you have a cheap computer that will be slow, won’t run a lot of software, and you’ll end up needing a replacement computer in about a year. It will either be too antiquated, or will break since it uses cheaper parts. There are more options with Chromebooks, tablets, and smart devices. To reiterate, if all you just want to do are basic things like email, simple word-processing, and browsing, than those are options you can definitely look at. I always recommend to see a computer in person before purchasing it. If possible go to a friend, family, or big brand store, and try using, and playing around with the model you’re interested in.

If money is not an issue, purchase the medium tier, or more powerful Macs, and install Windows on it. You’ll have the best of both worlds! Although many gamers would disagree, and state that the better video cards are on actual PC computers, and not on Macs. Which is true, but that’s only a factor for really high-end gaming. Just in case anybody is wondering,  a video card (aka graphics card) process the display. The video in some software, and especially games may look better, or worse depending on how powerful the video card is. It’s actually more technical than that, but that’s the simplest way I can word it. In other words, the video card is very important in gaming, and video-editing. That should not be an issue for your average Joe. Anyhow, good luck, and I hope I helped someone out there that is not too familiar with computing. Welcome to the wonderful world of Computers.

As always, your tech, and gaming buddy: Zenmart